A tooth fracture is sometimes referred to as a cracked tooth. It occurs when a person ages, excessive grinding of teeth, trauma brought by accident or sports injuries, and other factors that can affect your mouth. Pain is the most common and early sign of tooth fracture, some are temperature sensitivity and swelling of the gums.
Age is also linked to why cracked tooth happens. The teeth become brittle once the person gets old. It is easy to detect a crack in your tooth as well as treat it. Cracked can be repaired, however, it is not good as 100%. These are common in children and older people, although everyone can have them.
A sudden temperature change in the mouth, for example, drinking coffee followed by eating cold ice cream. This can have a big impact to your tooth enamel. If you experience any of these, see your dentist right away.
Treatment for a fractured tooth will depend on how severe the damage is. Depending on what your dentist may advise, here are some possible treatments your doctor can discuss with you
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Accidents can occur at any time of the day, these can contribute in damaging your tooth. Although a fractured tooth is preventive, however, it doesn't heal itself. Cracked teeth can have a huge impact to your overall appearance. Aside from this you may experience pain when eating and swelling.
Ignoring your toothaches can lead to a more serious dental problem—such as excruciating pain that won't go away, fever, lymph nodes, and worst bad breaths which is so embarrassing. Treatment may restore your teeth and even better save it from more dental problems. Your dentist may advised you to practicing good oral hygiene and routine visit for check-ups. As well as eating healthy food and regular brushing of your teeth.
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